
Emily Li
3 min readApr 8, 2017



高三時我申請了香港的三所大學,而以下分享申請過程、面試題目兩個部分,如果希望到香港讀書的學弟妹,多方考量、定下目標、提早準備 is a must!

-高二下:可提早完成 Personal Statement (似自傳)、推薦信(optional)、考英文檢定(TOEFL, IELTS)
-高三 10月-12月:網路申請
-各校面試後一天至一個月:Admission Offers released

Why Business?

-Explore different subjects by reading, trying online courses…

Finding “your calling”, or searching for what you like as in future study subjects is a magical and joyous journey. Reading in different fields and exploring different subjects broadened my horizons, and led me to discover my interests. “Man is what he reads”, and as flipping at certain chapters and briefly reading captions from a book turns into intensive reading as if under a magical spell, you know that you have found what you like. For me, it was social science related books, which actually covers a wide variety of subjects, including economics, psychology, global relations, and business. As we learned about Economics in Senior 2, it was THE subject that really interested me, and till that point, my choice for business seemed quite obvious.

-Immerse yourself in a new domain

Trying out a new hobby, job rotation, or learning about a different culture all gives us a chance to immerse ourselves in a new domain. This broadens our perspective and boosts originality, and it definitely helps in program choices.

“Life is connected by dots.”, and I guess actively engaging in activities that are out of my comfort zone has shaped how I chose my program. Giving my TEDxtalk ( ), Learning html and css coding skills, and participating in the International Environmental Conference held in Israel are a few examples.

Why Hong Kong?

As for studying in HK, some people would look at statistics-the global ranking of universities, the internship and job opportunities, and the environment as an Asian financial hub are factors that lead business students to HK. But for me those are flat statistics, and in senior 1 something about HK captivated me-the small yet vibrant city had a spell, and during that time I did not clearly know what it offered, I just felt this vague sense of “gravity” in senior 1 that brought me to more intensive research in studying opportunities there.

Lastly, as my homeroom teacher-Tr. Guitar says, be sure of what your motivations ad passion. Do not choose an environment simply because you are following under a frenzy-you’ll get lost on the way if deep down, you’re not sure of your motives and what you want to achieve.

Convincing family, and convincing yourself!

A. Early Decision, Early Preparation

B.Communication: Be Rational, logical, and not over persuasive

C. Show your passion

Priorities in preparation

The priority is quite obvious- The GSAT. Yet during a time of tension, preparing for application, balancing schoolwork, and coping with the slight and anxiety of spending time in the summer preparing for the Israel Convention, the priority for me at that time is to focus really hard on schoolwork, and live study each moment. Actually, I didn’t feel the exhaust or pressure in senior 3, it was probably that had a very clear goal in my head, which actually made studying rewarding every time I finish my predicted schedule. Live the beautiful life :)



Emily Li
Emily Li

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